Custom blend of pumice, Utelite, sphagnum peat, and composted organics.
Recommended for flower beds.
Ready to use. Can be used to plant directly into.
Soil stays loose.
Organics feed the plants and aid in moisture retention.
Available in 1.5 CF. bag and cubic yard
Horse Manure Compost
Weed-free horse manure composted with wood chips and organic matter. Promotes healthy gardens and lawns.
Available by cubic yard.
Miller's Mix for Box Gardens
A unique blend of Our Organic Box Compost, sphagnum peat, coconut coir, and perlite for a neutral pH growing mix. Miller's A to Z mix is added in for all the needs plants require. This includes Humates for soil life. Mycorrhizae for root stimulation and high reduction of transplant shock. Also with over 70 minerals and trace elements and earthworm castings for a slow release of N-P-K.
This product is recommended for vegetables gardens, flowers, any raised gardon or pots.
Available in 1.5 CF bag, and 1 yard Super Sack or cubic yard (Cubic yard 12 yard minimum)
Organic Box Garden Compost
Organic Box Garden Compost
This compost is a custom blend of composted forest humus and Miller Gro Fiber TM.
Use in box garden mix up to 1/3 of the mix.
Use this compost each season to replenish a box mix along with Miller's A to Z mix.
Available in 2 CF bag
Steer Compost
Composted steer manure is clean and weed free.
Use to add organics and nutrients back into depleted soils.
Clean and weed free.
Spread 1" - 3" and till into soil 6" - 9" deep.
Available in 20 Qt., 1 CF. bag and cubic yard
Vegetable Booster Compost
A blend of steer manure and forest products composted together for a great source of organics and nutrients for the vegetable garden.
Use to add organics and nutrients back into depleted soils.
Add life to the soil. Rebuilds the soil.
Natural organic BOOST for the vegetable garden.
Spread 1" - 3" and till into soil 6" - 9" deep.
Available in 1.5 CF. bag and cubic yard.
Miller's A to Z mix is blended in for the best growth results.
Fertimulch Poultry Compost TM
Custom blended of composted poultry manure, straw, forest Products and Miller gro fiber TM.
Use to add organics and nutrients back into depleted soils.
Helps to break up hard compacted soils
Custom blended to achieve a high organic matter and lower salts.
Spread 1" - 3" and till into soil 6" - 9" deep.
Available in 2 CF. bag and cubic yard
Unlike others, our poultry mix has 4 composts blended for the best results on the market.
Miller Gro Liquid Compost Tea
Organic natural food with detoxing abilities. Derived from compost not coal so it is very low in metals. Builds the IM-
Grow the organic way
No smell
All organic
Safe to use around pets and family
Mushroom Compost
Custom blend of mushroom compost, composted forest products and composted organics.
Use to add organics and nutrients back into depleted soils.
Add life to the soil. Rebuilds the soil.
Helps to loosen clay soils.
Spread 1" - 3" and till into soil 6" - 9" deep.
Available in 1 CF. bag and cubic yard
Soil Prep Conditioner
A blend of composted forest products and composted manure.
Natural Decorative, Conditioning, and Soil Nutrient Rich bark fines and compost blend.
Primarily Douglas Fir with some Larch and Ponderosa Pine.
Breaks down clay soils to reduce crusting. Adds organic substance to soils.
Creates a natural image. Retards weed growth. Retains soil moisture. Insulates roots from extreme tempratures, Reduces soil erosion, Helps with soil conditioning.
Available in 2 CF. bag and cubic yard
Premium Organic Compost
Custom blended for a high biodiversity in microbes. Paunch compost, steer manure, straw, Miller gro fiber, black peat and forest humus for superior results.
Use to add organics and nutrients back into depleted soils.
Add life to the soil. Rebuilds the soil.
Helps to aid in water retention in sandy soils.
Spread 1" - 3" and till into soil 6" - 9" deep.
If using as a compost for square foot gardening. We also recommend Millers Soil Prep in addition for best results.